Tips for Creating an Accessible Course

Accessible Online Platforms

It is important to understand how to create a classroom space that is as accessible as possible for all students. Many of the current resources utilized in classrooms today have built-in accessibility features that allow faculty users to quickly and easily implement some general practices that help make education more widely accessible for all. 

Design for students with visual impairment

Design for students with hearing impairments

  • Limit background noises in any video recording
  • Consider alternative assignment if showing a video that does not have captions
  • Contact Sara Bea if any lectures/videos need to be transcribed

Accessible Quizzes/Exams

  • Extended Time
    • The Sara Bea office will inform you of which students have extended time. Use the following link to learn how to give Extended Time in Canvas
  • Design/Format
    • Consider the font and layout online; space out questions.
    • Sara Bea Accessibility Services will communicate with you about any students that would require larger font
    • Some students use assistive technology that requires a digital copy of the exam. Sara Bea Accessibility Services can work with you regarding these specific students.
  • Answering Questions during exams
    • Students with anxiety or other disabilities may struggle with not having access to a professor or TA during the exam to clarify questions. Consider using Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc. to be available during exams. Consider having a space within the exam for students to write assumptions or questions that may help them receive partial credit for an answer that they did not understand.
  • Exam Integrity
    • If there are concerns about exam integrity related to the use of accommodations please let us know so we can address your concerns.
    • In general, check in with a student that you know receives accommodations to ensure they have access to all course materials. Sara Bea Accessibility Services can provide more specific resources for an individual need.